• If this is an awful mess, then wouldn’t something less messy make a mess of describing it

Messy Methods (2023)

Sociological article on mess as method which sprouted from the unpublished 2020 Vision project first explored during lockdown in 2020.

Excerpt: Life is messy and unpredictable – think of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, unrelenting climate catastrophes and now the devastating escalation of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Inspired by a quote from the sociologist and science scholar John Law: “If this is an awful mess, then wouldn’t something less messy make a mess of describing it?”, our work pushes the thinking on methods to engage, rather than do away with, uncertainty. What would methods that take the same slippery and fuzzy form as the things they seek to describe look like?

Full article published in The Sociological Review Magazine in December 2023